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tisdag 16 augusti 2016

And so I lost my voice!!


This week school starts again and they are all nervous and worried. New grade, new teachers, for the youngest its a new school all together.  So we just had to take a small trip and clear our minds a bit.  We went to Copenhagen, the town where I used to go as a child when it was really special.  Copenhagen in itself is a buzzing city, filled with all kinds of people, all kinds of culture and all kinds of food.  For us in Sweden, Denmark was a bit of forbidden fruit, easy to get a beer when not of age, stores filled with liqour, ladies smoking fat cigars, everything very laidback and nothing seemed impossible. Except perhaps for the sometimes incomprehensible language....

Icecream in waffelcone, complete with chocolatedrops!!!
With our schoolclasses we went to the Glyptoteket, a great museum where I encountered my very first mummy.  The sausages are red and the softice covered with chocolatedrops and jam.

As a teenager, Tivoli was the perfect spot! Tivoli is an old amusementpark, in the very centre of this great city. Madame Tussauds and Ripleys Believeitornot was also popular.

The Tivoli park itself opened in 1843 and was an inspiration to H C Andersen when he wrote the story of the Nightinggale.  It burnt down during worldwartwo but was restored again. At first there was exotic buildings and wonderful gardens and merrygorounds. Today there are several theatrescenes, open spaces for picnic and play, plenty of rides for all ages, a large aquarium and fish and birds by the ponds. The streets in the park are lovely and if you are lucky, there will be parades with musicians in bright red uniforms, children or adults!!All over you can buy candy, icecream and food, beverages of all kinds and also souvenirs and toys.  The flowers and trees and decorations are brilliant, there is a calm and sothing feeling about the place, even if you can hear the screaming and bellowings all over. My absolute favourite since my teens, is the rollercoaster from 1914!!!

So why did I loose my voice? Well, I'm not very noisy normally, but placed in a rollercoaster or other frightening ride, I become an absolute stranger to our girls, denying they ever knew me. Until the ride is over and we are well out of sight from people.......

Here is one more, surrounded by the most beautiful flowers
High up in some of the rides you can see far away over the rooftops, you see churches, the great countyhall and much more, if you dare!!! I dared one of the new ones, a very high tower with discs flying around it, seats along the brim....
Plenty of fountains along the streets of Tivolihaven, have=garden.

White peacocks????!! Well, in Denmark they walk around!!
Our Angles Trumpet never got this big!!!

The youngest loves flowers, these were found around the fountains!!

And she loves rides too, often more violent ones than the rest of us!!! This was not one of those. My feet are not dangling up there, I can tell you!!

This was, however....The Demon!!!! Yes, the girls took it, we did not, not ,not!!
Together with them was f.i a bunch of daredevils from one of Copenhagens refugeehomes for lonecoming children. They could forget everything troublesome for a while and roamed around like bees. Happy bees.
This one she wanted to ride but we wouldn't let her......OOOO!!!
She said: I turn 15 next year, then I will ride it!!!
Here we are, strolling along the streets of Chinatown!!

India - The Taj Mahal in Tivolistyle. In christmastime this palace with its fountain is absolutely ravishing!

This is one of the oldest scenes, the curtain is made to look like a peacocks tail!!

Going home from Copenhagen means some troublesome moments. The border is very closely covered by police and guards, because of the many refugees. They are fewer now but you still need to show your passport and it's rather confusing where to go.  In the middle of the turmoil , covered with screaming, waving, puzzled and annoyed passengers was a bright, smiling and patient DSBofficial, answering the same questions over and over, directing us to the proper track and proper train!
Still, we were homebound and safe, many are not.
I hope that kind woman is the first person the newcommers set eyes on when they reach Denmark. God bless her!!!

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