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onsdag 10 augusti 2016

Going Jazz!!

Good evening.

In these summerdays there are several festivals everywhere. Not that amazing kind of flowershows that some have, but musicalfestivals, boatfestivals, nostalgiafestivals, folklorefestivals and pridefestivals. In our village we have a Jazzfestival, 13 years now I think. I am on my way down to the meeting in the harbour. We are a bunch of enthusiasts trying to help out, some more than others.
I do very very little. I spend a couple of hours now and then to sell t-shirts and other things and keep people adviced of what bands play where. Bands from Sweden, Denmark, England, USA, Germany and ...I forgot, there was some more countries.
I will give you a more detailed story when its all over. It all ends with a Jazzservice in the chapel where this minister sings and preaches. Always " In the sweet bye and bye", its a tradition.
More of that in a few days!!
This is our own local jazzband with our former headmaster and some teachers and others playing!!!
They are called Ziplock because that rimes well in swedish!! DRAGKEDJAN.
If you like, pay a visit to my other blog, where I have started to write down some of the short stories I've collected in my head and drawers. Novels and true stories.

1 kommentar:

  1. I enjoyed "Every body loves every night" lucky to have the Stamina ! :-)))
